Monday, November 29, 2010

TGivs, Silverman Style

Hey Turkeys! How was your long Thanksgiving weekend? Did ya'll eat til you were absolutely stuffed? (Um, I know I did.) We had Thanksgiving at home. Our family friends the Mayos came over and so did Anna and E :) we had a full house!

Of course, Martha Jewart went ALL OUT for Thanksgiving. She is seriously the world’s bestest hostess - like, we could be featured on the cover of Food & Wine. Here she is prepping the turk (for the first time in a looong time, we didn’t have a fried turkey. This is just a regular one!):

And here she is posing with her pretty table. Please note the HOMEMADE Thanksgiving-themed centerpiece, complete with turkey-shaped candlestick holders. Yup, she went there.

We spent the whole day cooking (and only had to make two emergency runs to the market... and by we, I mean ME. The Ralphs cashier laughed at me.) We had a FEAST. Oven roasted turkey, homemade gravy, two kinds of stuffing (one veg, one with chicken-apple sausage), sweet potatoes with marshmallows, corn salad, butternut squash soup with homemade corn muffins, and a jillion desserts, including her famous chocolate-challah bread pudding, two pies, and homemade pumpkin whoopie pies. YUM. I even contributed - I made smashed potatoes with rosemary and garlic and everyone liked them!

Here are some fun pictures of us and our guests:

Afterward the meal, we sat around the table playing games (emceed by my father), and then the triptophan kicked in and I literally passed out at like 9:30. Isn’t it crazy how just EATING can be so exhausting?

And before you even have to ask - yes, I am one of those crazy people who lives for the Black Friday sales. I was at the mall at 9:00am bright and early with Bailey and my mom in tow, ready to hit the stores for some bargains! I got a few nice things on sale, including this and this and this, and then headed home happy. The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with fam and friends, doing more shopping, seeing some movies (loved Morning Glory and liked Love and Other Drugs), and just relaxing. Bay went back to New York today which makes me sad but other than that, it was a nice weekend!

Hope you all had great Thanksgivings, full of great food and fun times with your loved ones! I’m always thankful for all of you :)


  1. Ummm...chocolate-challah bread pudding?!? Recipe please?

    Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. So, when I click on one of the links on your blog for the things you bought on black Friday a boys camo shirt pops up. I double took because I am confused. Please explain this purchase.

  3. I love the sweater/top you wore on Thanksgiving!


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