Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Las Vegas

I’m not even Christian and I already miss Christmas songs, Christmas trees, Christmas sales and Christmas food...

I experienced my first Las Vegas Christmas this weekend - a little nugget I call Martha Jewart had a hankering for some slot machine action, so we packed up our sparkle sweaters and headed to our favorite place in the world (it was my SEVENTH time there this year. Don’t judge).

Nothing THAT crazy to report in - we did all our favorite things (like shop at the Forum Shops and Fashion Show), ate at our favorite places (like Spago, Carnevino, and the best ever, Craftsteak), and gambled our hearts out (my mom won $1,000! I obviously came home penniless).

In typical Vegas fashion, the entire town was decorated in balls-to-the-walls Christmas decorations - it was like the North Pole exploded. On the way to dinner our first night, we came across a massive Christmas tree in the lobby of MGM, and of course we had to take a photo:

That triggered my mother’s deep yearning and love for all things Christmas (seriously, can you even IMAGINE what our house would look like if we celebrated? You’ve seen the way the woman goes all out for events...), and from that point on, we could not pass a Christmas tree without her insisting on taking a photo next to it...

What a precious little wannabe-elf!

Hope you all had wonderful long weekends full of presents and family time OR double features and Chinese food :) I can’t believe New Years Eve is in just a few days! Where did this year go?!


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!