Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ray of Sunshine Silverman

True story: I was almost named Ray of Sunshine. Like, that was going to be my actual birth name.

Yup, my parents (who are NOT hippies but were definitely off their rockers when this was discussed) seriously considered naming me Raya Sunshine Silverman. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE THE AWESOMENESS THAT WOULD HAVE OCCURRED IF MY NAME WAS RAYA SUNSHINE SILVERMAN? I am mad that they were talked out of it!

Anywho, even though that is not really my name, I still like to consider myself a ray of sunshine. I have a particular yellow cardigan that I love wearing when it’s dark and gloomy outside, and yesterday fit the bill – I felt bright and sunshiney all day long! So of course, I started thinking about how much I love the color yellow…

this is my yellow cardigan! i love it.
and julie made me pose for this pic in the galleria in houston
cuz she thought it looked like i was really hanging out with the apple people.

I bought this mustard silk skirt from Gap a few months ago – when I paid for it, I remember thinking, “I hope I end up wearing this more than once.” Well, I’m happy to report that not only have I worn it more than once, but it’s surprisingly very versatile and easy to style! I’ve worn it to holiday parties and dinner dates, fancied it up with high heels and down with riding boots… it comes in black too, but I think the yellow is fantastic. And of course, now it’s on sale – lucky you!

If I had jillions of dollars I would buy this Lanvin blouse and wear it every single day. I love everything about it – the oversized shape, the droopy flower, the modest v-neck… everything but the PRICE!

If there’s anything I love more than a ballet flat, it’s a patent leather ballet flat - these Bloch flats are so cute! And I can personally attest to the fact that the Tory Burch Eddie flats are ridiculously comfortable – I own two pairs!

We all know that I’m obsessed with toggle coats. I NEED ONE. Except I’m cut off from buying any more coats… I’ve been basically buying one a week and it may be freezing outside right now, but I live in Los Angeles! Anywho, this one is so cute and also comes in tons of colors… what a great way to add some color to your outfit when it’s cold outside!

Speaking of it being cold outside… I can’t think of anything cuter than a pair of electric yellow rainboots. I personally own a pair of pink ones, but the yellow achieves the same affect :) happy and bright and perfect for splashing in puddles!

I never met a stripe I didn’t like, and I love love love the idea of some sunny stripes! These tops look casual, comfortable, sophisticated, and elegant all at once… you could wear them over a pair of skinny jeans or tucked into a black pencil skirt and look fabulous!

Kate Spade, Old Navy, Gap

I own these earrings in turquoise and hot pink, and whenever I’m wearing an all-black ensemble (rare, but it does happen), I like to put on a pair to add a pop of color. Yellow would look so pretty, and I bet you wouldn’t ever take them off when summer rolled around!

So there you have it. A ton of adorable yellow clothes, and an embarrassing confession to boot. Plus in keeping with the spirit of yellow, Stacy Brach Geldzy sent me this photo that I now need to post:

Two bananas snuggling. Bet you didn’t think this post was going to end this way :)


  1. ha! You make me laugh. Love your blog.

    I love yellow... such a happy color. I have that Old Navy T and wear it quite a bit!


  2. You are, indeed, a ray of sunshine!

    I love that Lanvin blouse too! But I've never spent that much on ANYTHING in my life (including my wedding dress)! Are they crazy?! (Let me know if you see it at 90% off!)

    And thanks for the banana laugh!

    More rain coming tonight/tomorrow, so get out those boots! :-)

  3. I love the snuggling bananas...I miss you and being able to just call to get lunch, come visit NYC soon.

    Rabbi #2

  4. I LOVE yellow too. Any bright color really. The flats are fabulous!

  5. My Hunters are bright yellow!! So fun on slushy post-NYC blizzard days like today :)

  6. I've been so loving yellow lately. I actually contemplated ordering that skirt, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to wear it... You may have talked me into it though!

    PS Your Vegas trip sounds fab!


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