Monday, March 28, 2011

My Favorite And My Best (Weekend Edition)

Hi yall! Happy Monday to you.

Did you have a nice weekend? I did. Full of lots of fun and random moments. I was sitting on my couch on Sunday night thinking about what I wanted to write about for today and I decided I couldn’t pick just one thing... so in honor of my fun and random weekend, here’s a short list of My Favorite and My Best (MFAMB for short, also the name of a hilarious interior design blog I read often and recommend if yall are interested in that sort of thing):

MFAMB #1 - I got to have brunch with Elianna! Yes, my #1 favorite rabbi was in town for the weekend and we met up at Momed for some deliciousness and catching up. I wish I had taken a pic of us but it’s probably for the best as I looked HORRID but rest assured she looked gorgeous in her bright pink scarf (which I will pretend she wore in my honor). It’s so nice seeing friends who you miss.

MFAMB #2 - Warning: you are DEFINITELY going to think I am a dork after reading this. On Saturday night I went out on a date (which was lovely thankyouverymuchforasking) and while waiting for our table at the restaurant, we walked next door to Barnes & Noble to browse. Not so nerdy, right? Well what if I tell you that we proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes trying to ONE-UP each other about who had READ MORE BOOKS? “Have you read THIS? It’s amazing.” “Yes of course I’ve read that, but have you read THIS?” “Of course, what do you take me for, an idiot? Please tell me you’ve read THIS.” YES COMPLETELY DORKY... but I don’t care because it was super fun and what better way to find out more about someone than to see if you have similar tastes in books? First of all for the record, I believe we were tied with how many books we both have read... and second of all, he recommended this to me and I bought it the next day and have totally fallen in love with it. Get it, yall. It’s not what you think. It’s beautiful.

MFAMB #3 - I woke up on Sunday morning to a text from my sister. “I GOT TWITTER HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” To say I was shocked out of my mind is an understatement. Bailey HATES social media. For every minute I spend updating the world on my whereabouts via Facebook or Twitter, she spends that minute mocking me to my face - “Who the hell cares about your new rainbow sparkle hair?” “Why does everyone need to know that you hate taking the subway in NY?” To date she has been on twitter for about 24 hours and her only tweet thus far has made NO SENSE but has thrilled me nonetheless. Follow her immediately so she feels popular and is compelled to tweet more - @baileyjanna.

MFAMB #4 - Last night for dinner I trekked out to the DEEP VALLEY (I say it like it’s such a shlep, 15 minutes in the car and I LOVE THE DAMN VALLEY ANYWAYS SO WHO CARES) with Amir, Stevie, Ashley and some other pals for dinner at Zahle, a little Lebanese restaurant in North Hollywood. We sat on the patio and Amir literally ordered the entire menu for us in Arabic - so exotic! It was delicious, of course, but I cannot lie to you all - I was in a strange mood and thus happily ate the french fries and pita bread rather than the more unusual menu items. It was a very nice evening and MOSTLY the reason I am blogging about it is because Amir weeps real tears whenever he thinks about the fact that we’ve been friends for four months and he has never made it on the blog. HAPPY NOW!? :)

So there you have it. Nothing out of the ordinary - just fun times with good friends and of course, good food :) hope you all are ready for the week!


  1. um hellooo more about the date. who/howd ya meet!

  2. Holla for my shout out! Love it - hope to appear in your blog for many years to come.


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