Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The following happened last night:

I arrived home from a night spent with GB, Anna, and baby Eytan at Bloomingdales, where I was attempting to shop the Friends & Family presale. It did not go so well - I hated everything. UGH. Bad mood.

So I sat on the couch and turned on some mindless television and started poking around the internet, seeing what pink things were out there that I could potentially post today. I went to DVF and JCrew and Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom’s websites and nothing was striking my fancy or sticking out. UGH again.

And then I randomly decided to go to I typed in “pink shoe” and this popped up:

To say that I GASPED OUT LOUD is an understatement. I literally GASPED so loudly that in the OTHER ROOM, my roommate paused her Tivo, sat up on her bed, and yelled “What!?”

OH MY GOD YALL. Remember when I blogged about these coral suede shoes? Well, this is them... in HOT PINK LEATHER.

HOLY FUCK I AM LUSTING AFTER THESE SO BADLY. And they are sold out in my size. So now I am going to FUCKING STALK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM until I find them and make them mine. I am not even linking to them because I don’t trust any of you to go snap them up before I can! (I’m sorry, I really am, but NO.)

(Yes I realize I am slightly overdoing it on the overdramatic all-caps. I don’t care. This is serious business, yall. No one comes in between me and HOT PINK LEATHER WEDGES.)

1 comment:

  1. They have something very similar to this at Target! And its on sale this week!!!


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