Friday, April 15, 2011

More Announcements!

It seems in all the F.A.R.T excitement yesterday I forgot to make two OTHER very important announcements! (I actually didn’t forget but I hate doing two posts on one day. So yeah I just lied to you.)

ANYWAY. Announcement #1...

Tonight I am off to New York!

As is Silverman tradition, we will be celebrating the holiday of Passover in New York with our family. We’ll be spending the weekend in Manhattan, seeing shows and eating in restaurants that I have obsessively chosen and shopping our hearts out and probably freezing our asses off, and on Monday, we will head to Long Island for some Seder action. (Ugh, matza. I hate matza.) I’ll probably be posting sometime Monday or Tuesday so look out for a full NY report then!

And Announcement #2...

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday! Let’s take a moment to celebrate Martha Jewart...

My mother is the most brilliant, loyal, generous, considerate, charming, hilarious, responsible, talented, intelligent, gorgeous, adorable, smart, respected, elegant, funny, enthusiastic, classy, skilled, beautiful, confident, trustworthy, kind, wise, solid, glamorous, clever, stunning, fabulous, thoughtful, agreeable, honorable, witty, sensible, calming, interesting, delightful person I have ever met.

She is the best goddamn role model I could ever have. She is the best friend I could ever have. She is the best person I have ever met in my life, and I thank my lucky stars every single day that she is mine.

Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you more than anything in the world!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and a very Happy Passover if that’s your thing!


  1. love all post!!!
    really beautiful ;D

    follow u honey

  2. 1st...YAY to LA...I live in LA too.
    2nd..Happiest bday mom! YAY to Aries, I am one too. ha!

    So fun to find your blog.
    Following, come follow me.

    Have an amazing time in NYC.
    x Emily of EL Vintage

  3. Wah! I can't believe you're going to NYC when I'm not there.

    Chag Sameach!


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