Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Pink of Contention

It’s been a while since I first told you all about how Gerrick is engaged, but rest assured, wedding plans for the Gerrick/Conroy Extravaganza are well underway. She has been very busy over there in Dallas – she picked out her ceremony location, has been touring restaurants for rehearsal dinner options, attended a bridal show, and is going to start dress shopping in a few weeks.

And of course, almost every single day, she sends me links to wedding websites so I can look at bridesmaid dresses.

Do I even have to tell you we do not exactly agree on what the bridesmaids should wear?

I totally get that it is Gerrick’s special day and at the end of the day, I will wear whatever she chooses. But if I am part of the selection process, you better believe I am doing my best to steer her away from heavy satin and contrasting sashes and HEADBANDS. Never in my life have I known someone who loves headbands more than Gerr does.

If she had her way, I think all eight of her bridesmaids would walk down the aisle wearing these:

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Kate Spade. LOVE. And usually I am all about fluffy, attention-getting accessories. But even I draw the line somewhere :)

Sorry Gerr. And for the rest of you, I promise to keep you updated on the Great Bridesmaid Dress Hunt, sash or no sash, headband or no headband!


  1. I love those headbands!

    Where have you looked for dresses? Try Lulakate. I really like their dresses. Of course, I did go for contrast sashes.

  2. JUST realized that your bestie is marrying my cousin-in-law's brother!! Sharon married Adam who is my cousin! Small world! Love it!


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