Monday, October 24, 2011

Color Me Mine, Color Me Fabulous 

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! My four-day weekend flew by and I already miss it. (Shouldn’t EVERY weekend be a four-day weekend? Who will sign that petition with me?)

After filling Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with lots of plans and errands, I ended up having a whole free day yesterday. I woke up and went to the Farmer’s Market with some friends, as I usually do on Sunday mornings, but wanted to do something fun yet low-key during the afternoon. I was feeling creative, which sparked an idea for a fun plan - I called my friend Amanda to see if she was down for an adventure. And she was!

We went to Color Me Mine! I hadn’t been in YEARS. When I was a kid those were my favorite birthday parties to attend - the ones at the paint-your-own art piece places. Here’s Amanda in front of the paint selection. She’s so cute.

Spurred by an image I saw on a design blog of a gorgeous chevron-printed urn, I went with the intention of creating something similar. They didn’t have an urn that I liked, but I saw a pretty pitcher and chose that instead. I’ve been wanting a nice pitcher to use when I have company over, so this will be perfect!

Here it is before I got to work:

And here it is after. Please excuse the pencil marks: I painstakingly traced a chevron pattern with tape before deciding to just go for it freehand. Cross your fingers it works out!

Some finishing touches - after I finished with the chevrons, I decided to add a little heart right at the “mouth” of the pitcher. And of course, polka dots make everything a little cuter!

The piece will take about a week to fire, so I don’t have the REAL after shot yet. But when I do, I’ll post a picture so you all can see!

(Oh, and the best part about the WHOLE afternoon? A couple of minutes after we sat down and started painting, the door opened, and jENNIFER GARNER and her two daughters walked in! Living in LA, I am lucky enough to see a lot of celebrities while out and about, but this one was a real win in my book - I LOVE Jennifer Garner, and her kids were ADORABLE! After they had finished painting (and Jen was still sitting working on her piece!), they came over to our table and asked if they could "entertain us" and danced and twirled around for us, told us what they were going to be for Halloween, and complimented my nail polish color :) literally, they were gorgeous and SO polite. Kudos to Jen (and BEN!!!!) for raising such adorable, well-behaved children.)

Such a fun afternoon!


  1. I love places like that! I have been wanting to go back to one for a while now. And I pink puffy heart Jennifer Garner. So awesome that you got to meet her!

  2. so cute!! what did jen paint?? the public wants to know. happy belated blog anniversary!

  3. So fun! I used to work at a paint it yourself pottery place in high school - was just a fun job :)

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist


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