Friday, October 21, 2011

Two Years of Blogging: Happy Anniversary to Me!

So I think I got a little ahead of myself when I started talking about my blogging anniversary a couple days ago. Thanks to all of you who congratulated me last week, but the big day is actually today!

I can’t believe it’s been two whole years since I started Queen of LA. This blog is truly one of my favorite things to work on, and it has connected me with so many interesting and wonderful people. Every day, I am so inspired by the interesting stories and little glimpses into the lives of other people, and I can only hope that some of you feel a little bit of that when you come here, too.

I recently went back and read what I wrote last year on this day. I still stand by it!

"I find it incredibly flattering and truly touching that so many people from all areas of my life are able to find humor and entertainment in my daily posts. So, to whoever is reading this, thank you! Thank you for clicking, for reading, for laughing, for commenting, for complimenting, for following, and for always wanting more. Thank you for your words of encouragement and praise, and thank you for coming back, day after day, to read all about me and my misadventures."

"By making me a part of your day, you have become one of the best parts of mine."

Happy two year anniversary to my little blog! Here’s to many more years of adventures for the Queen of LA :)


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!