Friday, December 9, 2011

Royal Gift Guide: $50 and Under!

It’s finally Friday... time for my last gift guide! Today’s roundup features a bunch of fabulous items any girl would love to own... all under $50!

They’re not cheap - they’re budget-friendly yet still totally amazing! Your friends will love them and you’ll still have enough cash for a cute dress for New Years Eve!


I may not drink, but even I can appreciate the adorableness that is these little shot glasses! “High maintenance doesn’t even begin to cover it” and “I love not camping” are my favorites. So freaking cute and sassy! ($19.95 for the set)

In my mind, anything Iomoi is simply amazing. Last year for Hanukkah, Bailey surprised me with this amazing memo pad (leopard and lucite, HELLO!), my keychain is adorned with a snazzy Iomoi suede tassel, and who WOULDN’T look amazing with that chic yellow striped scarf tossed around their neck? ($48, $38, and $50, respectively)

As a lover of A) chevron-print anything, and B) tiny little boxes, I am absolutely obsessed with these little catch-alls from the cutest online boutique, The Zhush! ($48 each)

I love the simplicity of this Jules Smith bracelet - available in gold, silver, or rose gold (my favorite!), it’s one of those bracelets that goes with everything the wearer already owns. ($50)

I love every single print Nicole Cohen (of Sketch42 fame) makes. I confess to regularly drooling over them in her Etsy shop - the colors, the patterns, I love it all! How gorgeous is this one? Would look AMAZING in a simple white frame!

Look at that snazzy little leopard pouch - I just want to fill it with trinkets! And it’s from Gap of all places! ($29.95)

I’ve posted this Kate Spade iPhone case before, but honestly, I love it too much not to include here. Is it crazy if I buy it, even though I have a perfectly good case?! I love those rainbow polka dots! ($35)

That concludes my week of gift guides... hope you all found them helpful! Wishing you a fantastic weekend :)


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