Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Fun Q&A

Two bloggers who I’ve been reading forever have started a Q&A Monday linkup!

Shasta and Megan answered these questions via vlogs, but in the interest of sparing you the sight of me on the couch in my pajamas after a loooong day, I figured I’d skip that part and do it the old fashioned way :) here goes!

Favorite beauty product of all time?

I am a HUGE fan of Covergirl Lashblast Mascara - the one in the fat orange tube - it makes my eyelashes look SO long. My other must-have is my perfume - Acca Kappa White Moss. Everywhere I go people stop me and tell me how good I smell!

acca kappa

What do you use on your hair?

I alternate between a few different shampoo/conditioner combinations to keep my hair from getting too used to one product. I rotate between Dove for damaged hair, Garnier for colored hair, and on special occasions, Moroccan Oil shampoo and conditioner - it smells AMAZING!

When I get out of the shower I detangle my hair with child’s detangler - Suave Double Dutch Apple to be exact! If I am wearing my hair curly, I flip my head over and scrunch it with a little bit of TIGI Catwalk Curls Leave-In Moisturizer. If I’m wearing it straight I spray a little Moroccan Oil hairspray in after I straighten it.

Complete skin care routine?

My skin care routine is pretty basic. I wash my face morning and night with Chanel Foaming Cleanser - it’s expensive but it’s not harsh at all and smells really fresh. If my skin feels dry I use a little Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. I take my makeup off with Makeup Forever Sens’Eyes remover.

Favorite handbag?

Hands down, my beautiful black patent leather Chanel bag. My grandparents bought it for me for my college graduation and it is one of my most prized possessions.


One thing you would change about yourself?

I really, REALLY, don’t like change - big or small. Yesterday the IT guy at work pointed it out to me when I completely balked and started freaking out when he tried to give me a new COMPUTER MOUSE - “You don’t do well with anything new, don’t you?” he said. I really don’t - I am someone who finds an inordinate amount of comfort in familiar things and traditions and it takes me a long, loooong time to feel comfortable again once things have been changed.

One thing you like about yourself?

I like my outgoing, warm personality - it helps me meet new people! It is so fun for me to get to know someone new, put them at ease, learn more about them, and hopefully start a new friendship!

Most memorable outfit of all time?

Hmmm... the summer before my senior year of college I bought an insanely gorgeous, floor-length Nicole Miller silk gown. I wore it to my cousin’s bar mitzvah, my huge 21st birthday bash, and the Tony Awards! I will never get rid of that dress - I still think it is the most gorgeous thing and it always brings a smile to my face when I see it hanging in my closet!


Me and Mama before the 2006 Tony awards!

Which celeb closet would you like to raid?

Oooooh! I always think Rachel Bilson has fabulous style. She always looks adorable, chic, and funky, and her shoes and accessories ALWAYS make her outfit.


Describe your style in one word?

Colorful! Everyone who looks in my closet laughs because the ENTIRE thing is filled with bright, colorful, patterned clothing. My mother, who can be found in jeans and a black top 99% of the time, can’t believe we are related!

How and why did you start blogging?

I started Queen of LA at the end of 2009 - I had just decided to quit my job in nonprofit fundraising. I had no idea what I wanted to do but I knew that whatever I did, I wanted to be writing!

My blog is not as famous or popular as many others, and it’s not always as famous or popular as I’d like it to be, but at the end of the day, I love having a place where I can share my thoughts and feelings, funny stories and pictures, and inspiring images with all of you.

There is seriously no better feeling than hearing from someone how much they enjoy reading my blog and learning more about me. It seriously makes my entire day!


  1. Loved learning a little bit more about you! (And adore taht Chanel bag!) Famous or not, I love your blog!

  2. looove acca kappa white moss wear that too!!! i was surprised not too many people rock it! isn't it delicious! great post!

  3. LOVed reading this, GREAT questions and answers. Your mouse comment made me LOL. I may have to copy this. I heart you more and more every day :)

  4. Agree 100 percent re: rachel Bilson. Love her style. Her and Nicole Richie!

    Your blog is so cute. Your header image is adorable :) Glad to have found you!
    The Fashionable ESQ


  5. Thank you for sharing your day to day and week to week life-line experiences with the blogworld without which I might not be able to see the incredible things that you do and the amazing person that you are. You are always in my heart and I enjoy reading about the fun and interesting places that you go and the people that you visit.


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!