Monday, January 30, 2012

A Ridiculously Easy DIY

Hi friends! Hope you had a lovely weekend. Those of you who follow me on Instagram (I’m @queenjord) may have seen this little project that I whipped up, but I wanted to show more pictures on the blog!

On Friday when I came home from work I found myself in a crafty mood. Inspired by all of the beautiful and creative painted necklace I’ve been seeing and drooling over online, I decided to make my own! I am by no means an expert on DIY-ing, so you KNOW this was a super easy project :)

I had a gorgeous rhinestone necklace laying around that I rarely wore - perfect for zhushing up!


I pulled a few of my favorite bright pink nail polishes out of my medicine cabinet and made sure they went together nicely. From left to right: OPI Lucky Lucky Lavender, Essie Movers and Shakers, Essie Splash of Grenadine, OPI La Paz-itively Hot, and Essie Big Spender.


From there on it, it couldn’t have been an easier project. I decided I wanted to transform my necklace using an ombre pattern, so I arranged the nail polish colors going dark to light, and went to town painting. I made sure to dab each rhinestone carefully with the nail polish.


It only took me about 45 minutes to do the entire necklace, and that included time chatting with my roommate and watching Will & Grace on DVR :) I let it dry while I went out for Fancy Date Night with my boyfriend, and later that night, we came home to this beauty...


I love this shot - you can see all the pretty colors!


I texted a picture to my mom and my sister, both of whom immediately wrote back demanding their own. Looks like I have a new hobby! Obviously I am a cheeseball and had to model it for you. (BTW, do you like my new hair? I dyed it redder!)


If you decide to make your own, send me a picture. I’d love to see! It was super easy and I can’t wait to wear my new necklace!


  1. this is ridiculously cute! great idea and good color scheme :)

  2. THIS looks so fantastic. People keep doing necklaces and it makes me almost want to too! The colors are super pretty together! LOVE!

  3. I'm so proud of you! Nice work, friend!!

  4. What a cool idea! Great job on the necklace.

  5. What a great idea - super cute!

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  6. I had seen this done before and I thought it was adorable. So much more economical than the Tom Binns version ;)

    The Fashionable ESQ


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