Friday, February 3, 2012

"Poppin" In to Announce... Another Giveaway!

Here are some things I like: Friends. Bright colors. Office supplies. Any company that incorporates all three of those things is DEFINITELY going to be high on my list.

So imagine my utter delight when a pal from the past contacted me to tell me about her new job at a place she thought I’d like. Introducing Poppin!

Poppin’s tagline is “Unique Office Supplies That Make Work Fun,” and if you spend even a minute on your website I think you’ll see that statement rings true! All of their office supplies look fresh and modern, and the best part is they come in almost every gorgeous, glossy color in the rainbow!

My friend Jackie sent me over a package full of Poppin treats so I could see for myself how cool and useful their products are. She totally spoiled me – I had to fight off my coworkers, who all crowded around my desk to try and steal my new gear!


Unpacking my new office supplies!

My desk is now adorned with Poppin – I’ve got the tape dispenser close at hand, I’ve been hard at work editing with the help of my new pens, and all my notes are now going in that adorable little Moleskin-eque notebook. I’m getting my stuff done in the MOST stylish way possible…


Fabulous pink pens displayed on my desk at work

And I want you to be able to do the same! Thanks to the wonderful people at Poppin, I’m hosting a giveaway – one of you lucky ducks is going to win the following Poppin goodies!


Jumbo highlighter set/Signature ballpoint pens/Gel ink pens/Tape dispenser/Small notebook

Here’s how to enter:

1. Visit the Poppin website and take a look around!

2. Leave me a comment with your favorite item from the website, your name, and your email where I can reach you if you win!

Please note: You MUST be an official follower of this blog with Google Friend Connect (over there on the right) and on the Queen of LA Facebook page to be eligible to win!

Special thanks to the lovely Poppin folks who are sponsoring this giveaway. Now what are you waiting for? Go on and enter!

Disclaimer: Though this is not a compensated post, I was provided with products to keep as well as products to give away by the company. All opinions are my own… and I think they are pretty great!


  1. I loveee the to-do note pads. My whole life is to-do lists and these would be so much more fun :)

    Lauren (

  2. This is so cute! I adore the tape dispenser - so fun + modern.

  3. I love the pen holder and I better win!!!!! I never win. K thanks

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That was me, Rebecca. I don't know why it isn't saying its me. I still don't know how to work this thing

  6. Well hard choice because the red tape dispenser is well adorable but these are so clean and modern. You feel organized just looking at them. So I say the hanging file folders.

  7. I love the notebooks - my fave is the softcover small magenta one.

  8. The "While you were out" post-it pads are adorable! Love that they are in pink! Hope I win!!

  9. I love the "while you were out" notepads!


  10. I hope Im not too late :/ I love the 'TO DO' notepads! soo cute!!

  11. i love the green tape dispenser, especially because i've always aspired to have my own one day at my job (dream big, i know) AND my name is greene, duh.

  12. I love the turquoise laptop bag and ballpoint pens! Great prices too!

    Mandy (


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