Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poppin Reminder!


Sorry it's been so quiet around these parts lately... I have been traveling and things have been a little crazy but I promise to be back soon! I've got plenty of fun posts coming up, don't worry!

In the meantime, have you entered my Poppin giveaway yet? It'll be open all week... don't miss out on some fabulous shiny new office supplies - they'll make your office or desk look fantastic!

Hope you are all having a great week! XOXO


  1. Long time lurker coming out of the closet and I'm just really putting it all out there with the following comment:

    Things I love: sparkles, interior design, glee, Brit Brit, food, fashion, travel, Arizona ..aka I wish we were Internet bff's. Also my husband is a New Yorker (but im a californian!) who is not Jewish but really wishes he was. Hes gotta live with being Italian - close enough??? We are members of the JCC, point! (yeah I'm a little nuts in case I haven't sufficiently embarrassed myself). How do you feel about pugs???


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!