Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Not So Secret Garden

Last weekend I had the opportunity to do something so fun! Rami and I and a bunch of his pals spent a lovely day at The Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. 


Our reason for this day in nature? Well, Rami's friends have a fun tradition - every year, their entire group of pals compete in a March Madness bracket-off (surely there is some official name for this that I am just unaware of). Whoever's bracket wins gets to pick a fun activity for the whole group to do together! Last year it was a day at the racetrack. Two years ago was a two-hour hike in the middle of nowhere to a clothing-optional hot springs (I think it's safe to say I'm glad that I wasn't part of the group yet).

After enjoying a picnic lunch on some benches outside of the gardens, we paid and headed in to explore the garden. Ram's friend Offer is a total nature buff and knew the names of lots of plants and bushes and flowers. Everywhere we looked was a blooming bush or tree with gorgeous colorful buds! 


I was partial to this little shrub... check out the name :)


Our group (minus a few who had to leave early) posing in the "jungle tree" section of the garden. Framer!


The gardens are enormous - more than 207 acres, 120 of which are open to visitors. There are a few areas with big open fields - the boys took that empty space as an opportunity to be silly:


While they were doing gymnastics, I was cuddling with the world's cutest baby, Miss Elana Belle. Could you not eat this little face up!? 


Anyone who knows me knows of my love for miniature things, so it will come as no surprise that my favorite part of the grounds was a little section filled with tiny adorable bonsai trees! I have one on my desk at work - think I might need to get another for my apartment...


And no trip anywhere is complete without making Ram pose for a photo...


Bonus pic! We're so cheesy :)


If you live in LA (or ever plan on visiting), I highly recommend spending a day at The Huntington Gardens! In addition to the gorgeous grounds, there was also a lovely cafe, little indoor temples in the Japanese and Chinese gardens, and even two mansions filled with art galleries and furnishings - we spent more than three hours there and still didn't see everything. We had such a nice afternoon, I hope to go back one day soon!

1 comment:

  1. What pretty flowers... I love this post! Maybe S and I will get there someday!


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