Friday, April 27, 2012

NO SHOPPING MAY: It's Backkkkk

Once again, the time has come. NO SHOPPING MAY. Ugh! 

That's right friends, for the next month, not a single thing will join my closet (which, I might add, is already bursting at the seams). No shoes. No clothes. No jewelry. No purses. No makeup. Nothing!


Believe me, I'm not happy about the ban, but unfortunately I really need it. For a while after last year's NSM, I was doing really well - not impulse shopping, not online shopping, not sample sale shopping. And then somewhere along the line it all came to a screeching halt, and LORD am I paying for it now - LITERALLY.

The last month has been particularly bad in terms of buying things - a new bathing suit coverup for an upcoming Vegas vacation, a new dress (and shoes to go with!) for a friend's wedding, a necklace that I refused to go without. Quite frankly, NO SHOPPING MAY could not come at a better time.

Misery loves company, so I have convinced my best friend and my mother to abstain as well. I'd also like to extend the invitation to all of you - if your credit card bills are high and your closet is overflowing, welcome to the club! My advice to you? Just stay completely out of malls to resist temptation, and delete every single shopping-related email that comes your way. I don't know about you guys, but my inbox looks like this every single morning:  


As a reminder, here are my official rules for NO SHOPPING MAY:

1. No shopping, duh. That means in malls, online, from catalogues - nothing!
2. Exception to the rule - gift cards. You can certainly buy something using a gift card - after all, you're not spending any money! However, the total cost must be completely covered by the gift card - not a dollar of your own money can go into the purchase.
3. You can accept a gift, but you cannot ASK someone to buy you something and promise to pay them back after NO SHOPPING MAY is over.

Technically, NO SHOPPING MAY starts Tuesday, but I'm going to be kicking it off a day early - Monday morning it is! I thank you all in advance for your support. Cue the sad face now :( 


  1. Will it be okay if you help me shop for my new apartment??? No shopping May isn't going to work for me this year...See you soon!!! xo

  2. I love no shopping months for the fact that I can finally write down what I actually need and resist buying things that literally just sit in the closet. I have clothes with tags still on them. It should be illegal. Good luck girl!

  3. I'm in - my credit card bill was scary this month, so this has come at the perfect time! As long as I can stay the hell away from shops, I will be fine...for a few days anyway :(


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