Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Bachelorette Party To End All Bachelorette Parties

Well. I survived my best friend's bachelorette party! (But just barely. I've been back for more than 48 hours and my body still hurts everytime I move. But I guess that means it was a success, right!?)

Anyway - thirteen of us had an AMAZING time in Chicago celebrating Miss Rebecca Gerrick - soon to be Conroy!

I got into Chicago late Thursday night with Greene Bean (Vince Vaughn was on our plane! GB nearly fainted) - and we met up with Julie at the lovely Lindsey F's apartment, who was kind enough to host us for Thursday night and show us around town on Friday while we waited for the rest of the pals to arrive. Obviously, I insisted we go visit the bean!


We met up with everyone that afternoon at a bar, where, just as I suspected, Gerrick was all decked out in official bachelorette gear - sparkly necklaces, a tiara, a sash... later on she may have added penis sunglasses too :)


We spent our first night there at her sister's house - we hung out on her rooftop patio, ate cheese and crackers and sushi, played games, drank wine, and gossiped - ya know, the usual :) Let me take this opportunity to publicly thank Jessica (who may or may not loooove this blog) for hosting us all weekend - we are a LOT to handle and she was the perfect hostess!!!



Saturday the fun REALLY began. We started the day with... drumroll please... a PIZZA TOUR! Deep dish style, of course. We visited 3 different pizzerias and had a great time trying the different kinds. Here we are outside the famous Pizzeria Uno:



Oh, did I mention that we were wearing our matching bachelorette shirts all day? I designed them with the help of the t-shirt company we used to use back in COLLEGE - I love calling the same guy and sheepishly saying "Hi, this is Jordan... yes I used to be in AEPhi and used to be the New Member Educator... yes I graduated in 2007... and yes we still like to wear matching t-shirts." And NO, your eyes do not deceive you... the back of the shirt does INDEED say "THIS BITCH IS GETTING HITCHED!" and in neon pink to boot! (I'm available for custom designs if anyone wants!) :)


We came across a group of Boy Scouts. I INSISTED Gerrick get in the middle of them and them point to her and smile! Poor little boys look terrified.


After basically eating our weight in deep-dish/majorly carb-loading, it was time to work it off... at a POLE DANCING CLASS! Oh yes. We do not mess around. Our whole group had a private class at Flirty Girl Fitness and it was SO MUCH FUN. I actually think it may have been my favorite part of the whole weekend. We were each given our own pink feather boa and we learned a group routine to a Pussycat Dolls song. And I even managed to get off the ground and twirl on the pole! (Once. Hey, I tried. Upper body strength I do not possess.)




It's hard to say who was LESS coordinated... me or the bride:



After the pole dancing class we headed home to shower, change, and rest up for the evening... because at 7:00pm sharp, we looked out the window in time to see our very own TROLLEY pull up!


Yup, we got ourselves a trolley for some celebratin'. And for the next four hours we danced and sang and drank nonstop on our private trolley as it drove around and around Chicago. From time to time the driver would pull over at a major landmark and we would all pile out, take a picture, and run back onto the trolley for the next destination... all the while singing as loudly as possible to "Call Me Maybe." NEW THEME SONG ALERT!

Obviously, some fabulous trolley pics :)





The night ended when one soon-to-be-bride couldn't keep any more liquor down, if you catch my drift :) we headed home and ate leftover pizza. And then the weekend slowly came to an end :( everyone started leaving early Sunday morning.


Those of us who were left enjoyed a delicious brunch and walked around the city doing some shopping (I picked up this cute dress from Topshop in 2 colors and these little neon sunglasses cases in pink and orange - RIDICULOUSLY excited about those, I have been looking for good ones FOREVER and these are awesome.) And then me and GB headed to the airport with my new favorite person Robley (Gerrick's MOH) and headed home :( It was over.

To my best friend - I hope you had the time of your life :) I know I did!!!! The good news is that in a week and a half, we'll all be together again - this time, for the wedding itself! It's going to be a shit show. I CANNOT WAIT!!! 


  1. Such sweet photos- it looks like you girls had the best time ever! I love girls weekends, speaking of I need to call my friends, its time for a girls weekend :)

  2. My only tips is usually to get started preparing early, we had lots of headaches running about in the final minute but it turned out wonderful, it’s seriously worth arranging ahead of time. We found a list of 99 scavenger hunt ideas and put them on the back of t-shirts, it was a fantastic way to get everybody involved! We found some wonderful themed ideas and personalized tank tops from this site...


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