Friday, June 8, 2012

Gallery Wall Gorgeousness

I needed some cheering up yesterday so naturally I turned to retail therapy to do the trick. Oh, NO SHOPPING MAY, I hardly knew ya.

Anyway, rather than going for my usual shoe/bag/necklace purchase, I did something different – I bought an art print! Here she is:

I LOVE abstract art and bright colors so this purchase was a no brainer. I think she’ll go well with the pieces I own by Jennifer Sanchez, too – this one and this one, to be exact. Up next on my list to acquire? Maybe one of these… or both!




Over the past year or so I’ve slowly been collecting different prints and pieces that I love, and I think soon I’ll be ready to finally display them all. Rather than spread them out around my apartment, I’m seriously considering doing a gallery wall. Here are some pictures that have inspired me!

Erika Brechtel (one of the most talented women I know!) did a gallery wall in her office - love how all the different pieces have a similar color scheme! 

I really like this arrangement. Something about a white mat with a simple black frame is very appealing to me, especially considering most my prints are super colorful. 

Love this version for photos... could it work for prints?
Gallery walls have become so prevalent that stores now sell entire framing kits with instructions (like the one above!), so the work is done for you! I am not very handy so this option is somewhat attractive to me :) At the same time, I like the idea of doing it myself... and getting to see my hard work hanging on the wall exactly the way I envisioned it!

I'll have to ponder. Any suggestions? Got a print you think I would like? I would love to hear. 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. I love the print that you bought! I also love a white matte with plain black frame - making a gallery wall is on my to do list!


    Love this post!

  3. Thank you for including my wall, and for the amazingly sweet comment!

    I totally want a Michelle Armas but can never decide which one! I have to commit already.

    Great post!


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