Monday, June 11, 2012

A Meme for Monday

You know the drill - once again I have stumbled across a meme and must participate. My love for answering questions about myself convinces me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I should have been a famous movie star. I would have killed at press junkets!

If you had been born a boy, do you know what your parents planned on naming you? That’s easy. Girl or boy, “p” or “v”, I would have been Jordan!

What is your favorite book of all time?
My favorite SERIES of all time is hands down Harry Potter. The final book came out at midnight the night before I left for a two week trip to Italy. I told my parents I REFUSED to get on the plane without it. My dad went to a bookstore in the middle of the night and when I woke up it was on my bed. As for a single book I always say that Jennifer Weiner’s Good In Bed is the book I should have written. Great story, amazing characters, and a plus-size heroine. Go read it! 


If you could have lunch with one celebrity, who would it be and why?
I often discuss this very thing with my boyfriend. I have a small arsenal of celebrity impressions that I like to do to entertain him, and all of those impressions happen to be of women who I really love. My ideal lunch date would be a cozy meal with Mindy Kaling, Zooey Deschanel, and Adele. I am UTTERLY CONVINCED that we would be the bestest of friends if we met. Ladies, let’s do sushi!

Did you go Greek in college? If so, which house? PHI TIL I DIE. I bleed green and white and would give up carbohydrates for the rest of my life if I could go back and have one more year in college and my sorority with my best friends.

Sweet or salty? Salty for sure. My parents were sodium adverse when I was growing up and as a result I CRAVE salt. I loooove salt & vinegar chips and I put soy sauce on everything – including pasta and eggs and vegetables. The ultimate dessert for me is sweet AND salty – salted caramel ice cream, anyone?!

Do you prefer to make a phone call or send a text? I will never NOT be a phone person. So many of the people I love most live scattered throughout the country, I need to talk to them and hear their voices constantly. Also I have chubby fingers and long nails and its so hard typing on my iPhone. (I know, #whitegirlproblems.)

What is your favorite flower? Gerber daisies! I buy a new bunch at the Farmers Market every Sunday. 

Did you have an American girl doll as a child? I had a Samantha doll! I totally loved her and was so careful with her. I recently pulled my doll trunk down from my closet and when I opened it, she was fully dressed with her hair brushed and all her clothes folded neatly in the little drawers. Fun fact: Bailey was a rough child and her Felicity doll no longer has her head attached to her body.  

samantha doll

What is your favorite white wine and favorite red wine varietal? No more drinking for me :( I’m super allergic and wine is actually one of the worst offenders for me. 

What is your favorite quote? My first instinct is to reference something, anything from Mean Girls – “Boo, you whore!” “Say crack again,” “She’s fabulous… but she’s evil” or everyone’s favorite “You go, Glen Coco!” 


But if I was being serious, I’ll go with a quote by Mary Oliver...

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

1 comment:

  1. I love reading more about you! These are always fun posts. I was cracking up at the chubby fingers and nails comment. iPhone is not easy to text or email on. Period. And salted caramel anything is my weakness. SO YUM<!!!


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