Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Booze Bouquets

So I want to share with you a cool thing related to the wedding that we did when we were in Dallas!
When I arrived late Wednesday night in Texas the week of the wedding, Gerrick had a list of last minute errands and assignments to do before everyone started arriving. We had to pick up her dress, alphabetize the placecards, get spray-tans, finish making mustache-shaped chocolates for the guest bags, you name it! 
And one of the things on her list was “Finish groomsmen gifts.” Knowing that we are crafty goddesses, she had saved this task for me and Julie, who shall henceforth be known as the “Do It Yourself Consultant” (DIYC for short - HA!!!), so great is her talent for all things creative.
Gerrick knew exactly what she wanted to give her groomsmen. She had seen it on Pinterest months before and had already bought the supplies - she just needed us to execute it. So without further ado, I give to you - Booze Bouquets! 

Your eyes are not deceiving you. You are, in fact, staring at a bouquet designed specially for a guy. Instead of a basket full of flowers, these flowerpots are stuffed with mini alcohol bottles and cigars!


They were super easy to make, too. Here's what you need:

mini flowerpot
square piece of sytrofoam 
chopsticks (or dowels cut into manageable pieces
moss or colored confetti 
mini alcohol bottles and cigars

Stuff the styrofoam block into the bottom of the flowerpot (you may want to glue it to make sure it stays in firmly.) Using your hot glue gun, carefully glue each bottle of alcohol or cigar to the chopstick/dowel and stick them inside the styrofoam. Cover the block entirely with the moss or confetti to camoflauge the styrofoam. Finally, tie a ribbon around the top of the flowerpot!

PS. I have to confess... Gerrick originally bought dowels to use for this project but the day we were supposed to make them we all had lunch at Pei Wei... 5 minutes into the meal we realized that chopsticks were way sturdier and wider than the dowels - they were perfect!!! I may or may not have caused a distraction in the restaurant while Julie stuffed chopsticks into her purse. Here's the evidence :)


Note: Gerrick also gave her groomsmen personalized kippot (yarmulkes) for the guys to wear during the ceremony, so that's in the basket too, but if you aren't Jewish and wanted to add a little extra thing in there, what about a little box containing cufflinks? Also, she had a huge bridal party, so each of the 13 baskets contained 4 bottles and 1 cigar, but the flowerpot was definitely sturdy enough to hold more so feel free to go crazy!


Here we are the day of the wedding in full hair and makeup about to deliver the little bouquets to the guys....


They LOVED them! The whole bridal party - minus the bride - a couple hours before the wedding!


I am certainly not taking any of the credit for this - Julie is a master DIYC and it was all Gerrick's idea - but I thought it was super cute and wanted to share it with all of you. The groomsmen loved it and I think it would also be a great gift for the dad or boyfriend who has everything!

Booze and cigars? Any guy would love it!

1 comment:

  1. Freaking amazing! Must make. They look great and you all executed it perfectly! LOVE!


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