Monday, July 9, 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding

You guys. It was perfect.
When something is in the works for a while, there are expectations. There are hopes. There are plans. When that something is a wedding, it’s an even bigger deal. We had been looking forward to this weekend for 18 months. For a year and a half, we’ve been talking about it and looking forward to it. 
It lived up to all our expectations. It was amazing. It was emotional. And it was so FUN!!! 
Gerrick was GLOWING. Daniel had a smile on his face for four days straight. Everyone - from college pals to Memphis childhood friends to the camp crew to family and parents - was in such a good mood the entire weekend. We were there to celebrate two of the best people on earth - what was there NOT to smile about!?
Yours truly over here cried the ENTIRE WEEKEND. I’m not kidding. I got there Wednesday night and the tears started Thursday at her final dress fitting. I then proceeded to cry during the bridal luncheon, during the rehearsal, during the open house dinner, during the rehearsal dinner, during my entire speech, during everyone ELSE’s speeches, and don’t even get me started on the day of the wedding. I cried while we were all getting ready, when she put on her dress, when her mom blessed her and all of us in the room, during the ketubah signing, all the way down the aisle (what a great bridesmaid, right?), as SHE walked down the aisle, during the entire ceremony, back up the aisle, and into the cocktail hour. I WAS SO HAPPY. I’m not even kidding, I’m tearing up just writing this. Also, everytime we’ve spoken on the phone since then I’ve cried also. I’M EMOTIONAL, WHAT CAN I SAY?! 
Words won’t do it justice, so pictures will have to do. Get ready for an onslaught - I took more than 300 pictures in four days!!! 

First up: most of the bridal party at the bridal luncheon at Neiman Marcus on Friday afternoon


The happy couple posing with their Bride & Groom beer kozies! 


My cute boy and I at the BBQ Open House Dinner Friday night


Bridesmaiding it up! 


Total framer - me and Jul matching in seafoam :)


Gerrick is glowing from happiness. I am glowing from a spray tan :)


We spent Saturday lounging, having lunch, walking around the Dallas Galleria mall, laying by the pool, and relaxing. And Saturday night the Conroys hosted a beautiful rehearsal dinner complete with a photo slideshow and a million speeches dedicated to the bride and groom! As I mentioned above, I cried through most of my speech, which you read last week. Don't worry, I cried through everyone else's speeches too :) 


I had planned on wearing that colorful chiffon dress but that day in the mall I came across this electric pink sundress from H&M and couldn't say no! 


The L.A. crew :)


My OTHER best friend named Gerrick :) Jessica! Gerrick's sister is getting married in October and is seriously my new favorite person on earth. If you need a wedding coordinator she's seriously your girl - even though she's a nurse! 


My best pals :)


Jacob. The best.

I was like in a dream the day of the wedding. After hair and makeup we snuck down to see the room being set up - and yes, the bachelorette shirts made a comeback! 


Bridesmaids looking good! (Note to anyone engaged or looking for bridesmaid dresses: I wasn’t the hugest fan of this dress in the beginning but I am now. Comes in a million colors, flattering on anyone, tight and flowy at the same time, easy to dance in - I recommend it!)


Posing, as always :) Look at my pretty summer bouquet!


Finally putting on her dress. Cue the tears.


Opening her gift from Daniel - a beautiful strand of pearls. This is AFTER she put on her "something borrowed" - Daniel's late grandmother's necklace. Trust me, everyone in the room was crying.


Bracha took this great shot of us posing for the photographer! 


Here comes the bride! Yes, I was weeping from the front.


Do I not look totally dazed and overwhelmed up there? Cuz I was.


You may now kiss the bride!!!! 




During the cocktail hour - Ram looks so handsome in his suit!


Beckles, this one is for you :) the famous bridal portrait shot!


After we had all headed into the reception room, the new couple was announced! They headed to the center of the dance floor for their first dance and swayed happily for about a minute... then all of a sudden, the record stopped and they BROKE OUT IN A FULL FIVE MINUTE CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ROUTINE. I shit you not, I could not stop screaming. I have talked to Gerrick approximately five times a day every single day since she got married and she KEPT THIS A SECRET THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!! I can say nothing except WATCH THE VIDEO. It's amazing!!! 


An impromptu conga line turned into this great shot!


Dancing with my Jake :) he has mooooooooves!


Cutting the cake!!!


When the wedding was over, Gerrick (Gerrick C!!!) called for everyone to go downstairs to the hospitality suite for the after-party and everyone obliged. My friends were the first to head down there and when we opened the door, we were in for a HUGE surprise - they had surprised us with boxes and boxes of In & Out burgers! The boys were so happy they were fainting! 


Not gonna lie - I killed it with a burger. Or two. Hey, I was dancing up a storm! :)

And now it’s over. A week ago last night I watched my best friend become a Mrs! I can’t believe how fast it went by. I still can’t believe it happened.

To the new Mr. and Mrs. Conroy, I love you both more than anything and I was so honored to share in your special day - and special weekend - with you both! To a million more happy occasions together!!! 


  1. Omg, so awesome! Reminds me of when my first bestie got married, epic wonderful weekend! Love the maids dress and you in green the j crew. It just went even more on sale and I think you convinced me I need it.


  2. Pretty amazing! LOVING all of the details. You are such a great friend!!


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