Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me (& Announcing 27 For 27)!!!

Today is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!


YAY! I love my birthday! 

I may or may not have had a brief panic attack last week when I realized I was turning 27 but I'm okay now :) 27!!! That's so close to 30! (I know most my friends are giving their computer screens a dirty look right now... I'm the youngest out of everyone so they're about to all start turning 28. Oops.)

Anyway. Today I want to share with you a fun thing I just decided to do...

I'm setting a goal of accomplishing 27 different things on a special list that I want to do in my 27th year on earth! By this time next year when I wake up as a 28 year old (AHHHH), I want to have crossed every single one of these things off my list.

Without further ado, I present to you...
  "27 For 27!"
  1. Travel to a state I've never visited before.
  2. Attend a concert for a band I'm not familiar with.
  3. Try 5 new foods I've never eaten before.
  4. Make my boyfriend happy by selecting one movie per month that I've never seen before from his massive film collection and watch it together (12 movies total!)
  5. Make something in the kitchen from scratch - bread, cheese, cake, or pie?
  6. Try a new exercise or workout class. 
  7. Completely redecorate my mom's office! 
  8. Do something different with my hair (temporary OR permanent).
  9. Go on a food tour in my own city - I've always wanted to do one of these!
  10. Make something in my crockpot (got it as a gift 2 years ago, have never opened it)
  11. Find the perfect red lipstick and wear it out on the town at least once!
  12. Refurbish or update a piece of furniture I've thrifted or bought from a vintage shop.
  13. Host a "bruncheon" - I have people over for dinner parties all the time but for some reason brunch scares me!
  14. Take a dance class with Ram (and let him lead) :)
  15. Spend an afternoon volunteering. 
  16. Perform in public (did yall know I used to sing?)
  17. Do a DIY fashion project.
  18. Guest blog on another site for another blogger (pssst, will need help with this one!) 
  19. Do omakase at a sushi bar - I've always wanted to!
  20. Watch an old TV series from beginning to end/catch up on a current series.
  21. Make a piece of art and hang it in our new apartment!
  22. Cook and eat dinner at home every night for a week straight (Monday-Friday).
  23. Surprise my sister and my mom with something special.
  24. Read at least 12 new books (I'm actually low-balling it here... did yall know I'm a speedreader? I could easily go through 12 books in a single month!)
  25. Successfully accomplish another NO SHOPPING MAY
  26. Send out a holiday card in December (I've always wanted to! If R refuses I think I will send them out by myself!) 
  27. Send a secret to Postsecret.
What do you think of my list? Think I can do all 27 things?!

Hope you all have a LOVELY long weekend.
I'll be celebrating 27 in Palm Springs for the next few days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!


  1. This is an awesome list, I love doing things like this too! Reminds me I need to check on the one I made last year because my birthday is coming up in a few months!

  2. Wow, this is pretty awesome! I hope you blog about each of thhes goals! Have a great bday!

  3. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday!! I promise you...30 is NOT that scary! Been my best year thus far! Haha. I hope you had an incredible day. Loving your list! I know you will have a blast completing it!

  4. Happy belated, lovely lady. 30 year old over here. You've still got three more years in your twenties. ENJOY THEM!!!

    Wish I would've done a 30 before 30 list. Goodness, I don't think I've read 12 books in the last 12 years. Jk. I start books, I just don't finish them. :)


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!