Friday, September 28, 2012

Light It Up

In my opinion, one of the best parts about le old internet is crowd-sourcing. My friends on Facebook and Twitter are responsible for helping me make so many of life's hard decisions. I found my movers a couple months ago based on a Facebook friend's suggestion. I regularly get restaurant recommendations from Twitter pals all over the country. So why not have my blog readers weigh in on a decoration situation?!

Here's the deal: our new apartment has a light fixture in the dining room that desperately needs updating. It is quite possibly the grossest thing I've ever seen - cracked, peeling, discolored. No way in hell am I posting a picture. You'll have to use your imagination. 

Anyway, I cannot handle looking at it for even one more second so it's time to find a replacement. Apologies in advance for the many pictures I'm about to post - I did some shitty Photoshopping of pendants and chandeliers I like OVER the hideous one... so please use your imagination and help me pick the one you like best! NOTE: most of these are NOT to scale so please don't vote based on size!

Let me make a disclaimer: this room is NOT done. I am constantly in a state of near-vomit about the blinds (they are going BYE BYE and we are getting neutral curtains), I will be switching out the chairs to white linen dining room chairs (similar to these) shortly, and the carpet gives me anxiety but there's nothing we can do about that. A sassy leopard rug is going to have to do for now. 

Also, I wanted to pick lighting options that were mostly $400 and under, since this is a rental and the odds are we'll be leaving it behind whenever we move next. So without further ado - here we go. Time to vote!

Option #1:

Option #2:

Option #3:

Option #4:

Option #5:

Option #6:

Option #7:

If I'm being honest, my favorites are 1, 5, and 7. I also really like 3. AH! See!? So hard!

Help a sassy gal out and leave your choice in the comments. I very much appreciate it in advance :)


  1. i like number 5...3 seems outdoorsy to me..good luck! :)

  2. Number 1 definitely!

  3. #1 - Elegant and stylish but not so bold that it will overwhelm the room

  4. #1 is the winner!

    And on a related topic: White linen dining room chairs?! How long to you expect them to stay white? I do not recommend it!

  5. I like 1, 2, and 7. To me, they most say JORDAN. And seeing that I know you as well as anyone else knows their internet soulmate they have never met in person, I think that's saying a lot.

  6. I love this post (i read all of them and it makes me miss you and our sweet tea dates). number one is the best for sure. can't wait to see more pictures of the new apartment!

  7. options 3,4, or 7 but looooove 3~~~

  8. 1 or 3 - adorable!


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!