Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Latest Additions

Aloha again! Our vacation is amazing so far but you're all never far from my mind :) Thought I'd pop in and say hello!

I have to admit that before we left for vacation, I went a little nutso doing some fall shopping. I couldn't help myself! Here's some of the things that made their way home with me...


FULLY obsessed with Lulie Wallace's art (now that I shared that link, do NOT go buying all her work before I can!) I needed something huge for a big wall in our den and I have a feeling this amazing wall mural will look perfect once we get it up. Stay tuned for pictures!

I bought this BCBG dress at the Bloomingdales Friends & Family sale to wear to a wedding last weekend. I love the pleats!

Here's a great story - I had been drooling over these J.Crew leopard wedge booties since I first laid eyes on them a few months ago, but $400 was not going to happen. I was in temple on Yom Kippur when I surreptitiously checked my email and saw the email from J.Crew with the 25% off code! The moment I got home from services I ran to my computer to buy them - but they were sold out. I was freaking devastated - I even called J.Crew and had them do a search for my size, but no such luck... until J.Crew emailed the very next day to tell me that they had found a pair in my size in New York and they were on their way to me!

I don't think I've ever mentioned this on my blog - but I love collecting unique spices and seasonings and always look for a fun vessel to keep them in. This little Anthropologie salt cellar comes with a teeny tiny spoon and is available in a bunch of colors - I got the turquoise one and it now holds my new DELICIOUS lemon/mint salt from Eataly!

Who can say no to a fun statement earring - especially one for less than $40!? Love these pink ones!

Every once in a while the LC Lauren Conrad Collection for Kohl's comes out with a real gem. I snagged this cute polka dot blazer on major sale - my favorite part is the contrasting sleeve hems!

Cute, right? Can't wait for the weather to cool down so that blazer and boots can get worn, and in the meantime, I've been enjoying everything else. Hope you guys are having a great week!

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