Friday, December 2, 2011

The 2011 Jordan Marisa Rose Hanukkah List!

It’s December! Christmas lights are everywhere and everyone is putting their trees up and “All I Want For Christmas” is on rotation everywhere, but guess what? HANUKKAH is also around the corner!

Hanukkah! The Maccabees and the miracle of only eight days of oil and latkes and gelt and menorahs and dreidels and OH THAT’S RIGHT, EIGHT NIGHTS OF PRESENTS!!!!!!!

You can tell I’m excited, right?

WELL. The good news is, for those of you who have waited twelve long months with bated breath, it’s finally time to release the Annual Jordan Marisa Rose Hanukkah Wish List shortly (if you’re new around here, please see the 2008, 2009 and 2010 lists and familiarize yourself beforehand).

(I tried to rein myself in, yall - NOT featured on the list are the countless Chanel bags and Louboutin heels and Balenciaga ballet flats and everysinglethingJ.Crewmakesorevenbreatheson that I lust and drool over daily!)

Let’s stop beating around the bush. Without further ado, the 2011 JMRS Hannukah Wish List, in honor of MOST DESIRED:


Canon Powershot Elph 310

After two and a half years, my beloved digital camera is on its last legs. It’s time for an upgrade - I can’t decide if I like snazzy purple or classic black, so I’ll let the gift-giver decide :)

Alexander Wang Rocco Bag

I’ve been alternating between saving up and begging my mom to buy me this gorgeous bag, but she keeps rejecting me. Maybe if I put it on the Hanukkah wish list she’ll give in? Doubtful... in which case, a Bloomingdales or Nordstrom gift card would work so I can add to my savings!

iPad Keyboard

I got the iPad for my birthday and I love it like it’s my own child, but my main gripe is I can’t blog on it very easily! This wireless keyboard will let me blog, email, tweet, and Facebook on my iPad til the cows come home!

Harry Potter - The Complete 8-Film Collection

Anyone who knows me knows that I turn into a shrieking fourteen year-old girl anytime anyone mentions HP. For the past decade I have obsessively read each book over and over and seen the films in theaters at midnight -- owning this boxed set will prevent me from having to Tivo every single one of the films any time it runs on ABC Family!

J.Crew Hot Pink Overnight Bag

The cutest, right? For someone who travels as much as I do, why not do it in style? The pink is so pretty, and the price is so reasonable!

LOVE Paperweight

I can’t explain why I love this so much - I just do. It’s a paperweight based on the famous Robert Indiana sculpture and I am dying to put it on one of my shelves as a special little accent. (In a dream world I’d also get the Hebrew version and use them as bookends!) It comes in four colors but I am partial to the gold.


So there you have it! The list is now out there :) Hanukkah starts in a little over two weeks and I, for one, cannot wait. Fingers crossed!

If you’re making a wish list for the holidays, I’d love to see it - leave me a link or just list your items in the comments!

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!


  1. I have google desktop at work and when the Jordan Marisa Rose 2011 Hanukkah List popped up I shrieked (silently...the people at my office already think i'm crazy)! Love you Jordy! See you next week!

  2. I LOVE your list... That Rocco bag has been on my list forever! I hope you receive all of this! You deserve it! xoxox

  3. I love the Rocco bag. A pop of pink is always welcome!

  4. I have been eyeing that keyboard too. While I didn't get anything off your list, I am positive that you are going to LOVE your gift.

  5. I may be copying this list! Love that overnight bag (and of course the rocco bag!)

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  6. the alexander wang bag is on sale on shopbop! Happy Hannukah!


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